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Costa Rica – Street Fight/Healing Masterclass 8 Days

December 7, 2023 - December 18, 2023

Topics will be as below. The exact location and dates please conact Jesse Chapman email: jesseallenchapman@gmail.com

Street fighting Tactics Masterclass. 7-10 December 2023

Martin Wheeler will conduct this unique Masterclass based on his many years of experiences in some of the most dangerous nightclubs from the U.K. to the U.S.A. as an old school ‘bouncer’, when there were few rules and countless street fights. Combined with his extensive martial arts experience in Kenpo, boxing, Thai-boxing, Judo, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, Kali, and of course, Russian Systema, he will guide you through the dangers of street confrontations. Don’t miss this opportunity to train with an industry leader in Street-Combatives, and Fight-Psychology, teaching for the first time some of the tactics he developed for courses for the Navy SEALS and D.E.A.

Day 1. Initial Confrontation. Nervous system control, how to control your adrenaline in a street fight and convert that energy into calm effective strategy. Defense from grabs, holds, to developing street wrestling. And using defensive control tactics to remove a potential attacker’s ability to harm you.

Day 2. Threat assessment from striking attacks. Combative assessment of the confrontation, and the best tactics based on your assessment. Learning how to strike first in the most effective way when you feel a threat is imminent.  Dealing with striking attacks, from punches, to kicks, elbows and headbutts.

Day 3. Weapon based street attacks. Recognizing when your attacker has a deadly weapon. Defense against knives, bottles, and chairs. Use of clothing to aid in defensive tactics. Psychological control of the urban ‘battlefield’.

Day 4. Defense against multiple attackers in the street. Using long sticks to open your awareness for multiple attackers. Street fight situations involving more than one attacker, including mass spontaneous ‘riot’ situations. Learn how to protect yourself in a mass attack.

Neuromuscular healing and conditioning for health and fitness – masterclass. 13-18 December 2023

Based on his interpretation of the martial arts, and Russian healing and conditioning methods, combined his own study of neurobiology, Martin Wheeler, will lead you in a hands-on exploration of his unique mind body health and fitness regimes.

Day 1. Relaxation and Resilience. Understanding deep tissue massage and its relationship to targeted breathing for healing, relaxation, and psychological exploration. Understand what deep muscular relaxation feels like, increase blood flow, joint mobility, and psychological freedom from pain.

Day 2. Neuromuscular Conditioning and Physical Structure. A full day of physical conditioning to understand the unique neuromuscular state of ‘density’, a sensitive and powerful muscular state between mental balance and highly functional relaxation. Explore Martin’s unique strengthening and conditioning exercises for increasing your capability in any sport or physical practice, from walking to BJJ to yoga, through specific neurological breathing techniques, spontaneous physical drills, and deep relaxation.

Day 3. Perceptual Engineering Workshop. Discover the workshop Martin developed for the Navy Seals, on how to control perception in high stress situations. Based on his work with Harvard Doctor and consciousness researcher, Michael Chin, explore Martin’s proprietary methods for recognizing distortions in your own perceptions of reality, and discover how to reengineer the way you see reality for adaptive advantage. In other words, a step program to change the way you see the world for the better, no matter the stress you are experiencing. No to be missed.

Day 4. Flow, movement, and touch sensitivity. Freeform spontaneous movements through touch for healing, based on the soft martial arts. Work with Martin in a free-movement environment to synch breathe and movement, though touch, with a partner, or multiple partners. Increase awareness, balance, and sensitivity though exploring physical space creatively with a partner to balance your nervous system. Encourage adaptivity and resilience in your mind and body through relaxed poise and breathing in any position. Profoundly change your physicality and mental networking through movement and touch.


December 7, 2023
December 18, 2023


Jesse Chapman

©2025 Martin Wheeler Systema

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